SDSU has released a notice of intent to prepare a draft environmental impact report and initial study of its Mission Valley Campus Master Plan Project.

The project would include (a) development of a Mission Valley Campus for SDSU; (b) demolition of Qualcomm Stadium; (c) construction of a new multi- purpose stadium;(d) creation of the River Park; (e) passive and active recreation and park space; and (f) associated infrastructure and amenities. At build-out, the facility will accommodate 15,000 FTE students plus faculty and staff.

The following environmental impact factors will be addressed in the draft EIR: aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, energy, geology/soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards/hazardous materials, hydrology/water quality, land use/planning, mineral resources, noise, population/housing, public services, recreation, transportation, tribal cultural resources, utilities/service systems, and wildfire.

Public information/scoping meetings will be held at the Mission Valley Marriott 5:30-7:30 PM on 30 January and 5-7 PM on 7 February.

Additional or expanded information may be found on the SDSU website.

Public comments are solicited and, if received on or before 5PM PST February 18, 2019, will be considered. Comments may be addressed to or Laura Shinn, Director; Facilities Planning, Design, and Construction; SDSU, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-1624

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